• First Aid Classes in Anchorage

    In Anchorage, first aid certification classes from the American Red Cross give you access to the latest proven science and techniques – so that you can deliver the right level of care when it's needed most. All of our classes are developed under the guidance of the Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council, a 50+ member panel of nationally recognized experts in from a variety of scientific, medical, and academic disciplines. In addition, our local instructors are trained, knowledgeable professionals who can help you put your knowledge into action – and learn how to properly provide care to infants, children and adults. Find a class in your area.

    At the Red Cross we offer first aid classes that focus on care for adults only, but we also offer courses that allow you to provide care to ill or injured adults, children and infants. In general, we recommend that most people select adult and pediatric first aid training in Anchorage. Not only will this type of class give you all of the information you need to care for adults, but with the skills and knowledge necessary for providing care to children and infants, you can become a more capable, more responsible family member, employee and citizen. For more information on all of the first aid classes available in your area, check our newest course schedule.

    The Red Cross offers first aid training in Anchorage that can not only make you a more capable citizen, but a more valuable employee. With our OSHA-compliant classes, which are available in in-person and Simulation Learning formats only, you can learn the skills necessary for responding to a wide range of first aid emergencies. From cuts and scrapes to burns, illnesses and a wide range of other injuries, our first aid classes deliver the information you need to help anyone, anywhere.

    If you don't need OSHA-compliant certification and either have a challenging schedule or simply learn best in an online environment, opting for one of our online first aid trainings in Anchorage may be the solution you've been looking for. All of our online classes provide the same coursework and "lecture" materials as our traditional and Simulation Learning courses, but in lieu of a hands-on skills session they give you a series of online activities that will test your knowledge and skills. And although it won't be quite the same experience, you'll be able to fully understand the techniques described in class – and by the end, you'll have the confidence to apply them in a real-world setting. For additional details on our online first aid classes, browse our newest course listing.

    In addition to basic first aid classes, your local Red Cross also offers a wilderness first aid class in Anchorage. Designed for scouts and scout leaders, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone who works or spends time in remote environments, our wilderness first aid certification course covers advanced skills, like primary and secondary assessments, head/brain, neck and spinal injuries, hypothermia, heat-related illness, altitude-related illness, burns, allergies and anaphylaxis, bone and joint injuries, wounds and wound infection, and more. Upon successful completion of the class, you'll receive a two-year certification.

    Note: Course materials are based on the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines, and align with OSHA's Best Practices for Workplace First Aid Training Programs.

    When it comes to delivering care during times of crisis, having the right supplies is almost as important has having the right skills. That's why all of our Anchorage first aid classes include information on what to stock in your first aid kit. By helping you gain the skills and knowledge necessary for providing the right care at the right moment, we can empower you to help anyone – including adults, infants, and children, when they need it most.

    After your first aid training in Anchorage is complete, it's important to test your skills on a regular basis. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing them due to lack of use – and all of your work will have been for naught. So, in order to help you easily maintain your skills and keep your memory sharp, we've developed a series of free, interactive online refreshers that allow you to test your skills regularly. This way, you can be stay prepared to help long after your class has ended.