The Central California Region provides installation services in Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Mono, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare and Ventura counties only. If you live outside of this area and would like to identify your local office, please visit the chapter locator or call 1-800-RED CROSS.
If you are able to purchase and install your own smoke alarm but would like information on home fire safety and smoke alarm installation, please visit
Every day in the United States, seven people die in home fires, mostly in homes that lack working smoke alarms. Sadly, children and the elderly disproportionately lose their lives. The Red Cross and its partners will install a limited number of free smoke alarms for those who cannot afford to purchase smoke alarms or for those who are physically unable to install a smoke alarm. The Red Cross installs a limited number of specialized bedside alarms for individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Ensure your home is safe by requesting a Sound the Alarm installation at your home. Red Cross volunteers will contact you to schedule an appointment to install free smoke alarms in your home and provide vital prevention and safety education. All American Red Cross services are free and available to all regardless of race, religious beliefs, nationality, or citizenship status.
2,246 lives saved
2,976,666 smoke alarms installed
1,239,325 households made safer
3,237,042 people served through home visits
Prepare, respond and help families recover from home fires.