• CPR Classes - Springfield, Illinois

    When you sign up for CPR classes in Springfield from the American Red Cross, you can rest assured that you'll learn the latest proven techniques for care – and the science behind them. All of our courses, including our in-person, online, and blended Simulation Learning courses, are developed under the guidance of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council – a panel of more than 50 nationally recognized experts from a variety of scientific, medical, and academic disciplines. To learn more about the work of the Council, visit https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/scientific-advisory-council, or, to sign up for a class in your area, review our newest course schedule.

    Our CPR training in Springfield can empower you to provide care to someone suffering a cardiac emergency – which can happen to anyone, at any age, at any time. And although that may sound unlikely, especially if you're young and healthy, cardiac emergencies are actually more common than you might think. In fact, cardiac arrest is at the root of over 300,000 deaths per year. Fortunately, our CPR classes not only cover when to use CPR, but how to deliver care to adults, infants, and children – which means that no matter who is suffering a cardiac emergency, you'll be well prepared to help. To find a Springfield CPR certification class in your area, check out our newest class schedule – and gain the knowledge and skills you need to save a life.

    Although we offer a variety of Springfield CPR training options, if you learn best in a traditional classroom and want to ensure that you're performing your CPR skills correctly, then it's our in-person classes that you'll get the most from. With a knowledgeable instructor who can explain concepts in a variety of ways, ample opportunity for discussion, the chance to talk through scenarios with your classmates, and receive personalized instruction during your hands-on skills session, our in-person classes can help you gain the skills and confidence needed to provide life-saving care during times of crisis. To find a class in your area, browse our newest course schedule.

    If you learn best in a self-paced environment, need a flexible schedule and/or don't need full OSHA-compliant certification, then our online Springfield CPR certification courses might be the perfect solution. Featuring the same information as our in-person classes, but with online activities rather than an in-person skills session, our online courses will test your abilities and help ensure that you're ready to provide care when it's needed most. Check the newest class schedule and sign up for an online course.

    The Red Cross not only offers CPR training for adults, but we can also host CPR classes for kids in Springfield. Through our private group lessons, you can arrange for CPR training for your scout troop, youth group, an outdoor club, sports team, etc. All of our instructors are skilled in CPR techniques and instruction – which means that they can deliver information in a variety of ways so that everyone understands the how, when, and why to administer CPR. And with an in-person skills session, the kids in your group will also gain the skills and confidence necessary to help them save a life.

    It may shock you to discover that CPR skill retention begins to decline within a few months after training, and progressively decreases for about a year* – and less than half of CPR course participants can pass a skills test one year after training*. However, you can combat this skill loss by using refresher materials developed by the American Red Cross. These materials are not designed as a full-fledged CPR refresher course, but rather quick, easy-to-use activities that can help sharpen your skills in just a few short minutes. And when used every three months, they can help you maintain your skills throughout the duration of your two-year certification. If your CPR certification has expired or is about to, browse all of the upcoming CPR classes in Springfield, and get the training you need to maintain your credentials.

    *According to a research review conducted by the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council

    After successfully completing one of our Springfield CPR certification classes, your credentials will be valid for two years. But rather than keeping a copy of your certificate to show to your current or prospective employer, or printing a copy for your own personal records, you can locate them online any time. In order to keep things simple and paperless, we provide all program "graduates" with a unique URL and a QR code that they can use to access all of their Red Cross credentials – making them easy to track no matter where you are.