Change for Change


Change for Change is a coin-drive fundraising competition to raise money for the American Red Cross. The Red Cross cannot prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies without the money to do so. That means thousands of people would not have basic needs after a home fire or shelter to stay in following a natural disaster.



This activity is a simple way to help the American Red Cross to continue to serve. Participants can donate any spare change without feeling like they must make a large donation.


How to Get Started

Step 1: Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Define your desired outcomes for the activity and create measurable goals and objectives to guide the planning process. We encourage you to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into your activity and be creative with your approaches.


Step 2: Plan the Details

Determine the details of the fundraiser

   • Who will be competing? How long will the competition last?

       • The best method is to have classes compete against one another in a week-long competition.

   • How will the winner(s) be determined?

       • Organize a counting activity to count the collected coins and ensure all funds are accounted for and secure.

   • How will the winner(s) be rewarded?

       • Consider requesting your school to make a formal announcement to recognize the winning class and the total amount of money raised. Announcing on social media is another great option.

   • How to donate to the Red Cross?

       • When it comes to fundraising, transparency is key.

       • Contact your local Red Cross chapter in advance. You can drop off the cash donation or mail it as a check to your local Red Cross Chapter.

       • Refer to the Team Red Cross Fundraising Toolkit for more information.


Step 3: Coordinate the Logistics

Set a date and time

   • Depending on your fundraising goals, you can host the competition for a few days or weeks.


Secure a venue

   • We suggest collecting the coins from each participating class or setting up a collection booth in your school at the fundraiser's conclusion.


Assign roles and responsibilities

   • This activity requires volunteers to collect coins or manage the collection booth at the fundraiser's conclusion.


Gather supplies

   • Create a list of supplies needed and arrange to acquire them in advance.


Spread the Word

   • Advertise the activity through various channels such as social media, email, and school announcements.

   • Send a reminder with important details prior to the activity.  


Step 4: Facilitate the Activity

   • Run through Step 2 and Step 3 in advance and engage the participants throughout the activity.


Step 5: Debrief and Thank Your Volunteers

   • Invite participants to discuss their experiences and capture lessons learned.

   • Thank everyone who contributed and participated.

   • Remind volunteers to record their hours through Volunteer Connection.

   • Remind everyone that the funds raised will help move the Red Cross mission forward. Refer to the Team Red Cross Fundraising Toolkit for sample thank you messages.