Thank You, Blood Donors!


Every day, blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.

Each year, the American Red Cross distributes more than 6.4 million blood products for transfusion to meet the needs of patients at about 2,500 hospitals and other facilities across the country.

Unlike other medical treatments produced in a laboratory, blood can only come from volunteer blood donors and must be constantly replenished due to its short shelf life. To meet the needs of these patients, the Red Cross collects approximately 12,500 blood donations and nearly 3,000 platelet donations every day. 



Did you know that June 14 is World Blood Donor Day? And that The Red Cross collects and distributes about 40 percent of our nation’s blood supply.

Our blood donors give the precious gift of lifesaving blood, and you can play a part in making them feel extra special and encourage them to continue their lifesaving donations through a “Thank You” activity of your choice. 


How to Get Started

Step 1: Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Define your desired outcomes for the activity and create measurable goals and objectives to guide the planning process. We encourage you to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into your activity and be creative with your approaches.


Step 2: Plan the Details

Determine the format of your Thank You activity. Here are some examples: 


   • Tweet to Thank 

       • Search for the hashtags #RedCross #giveblood or check with the Red Cross regional communicator to ask for current hashtags to find blood donors or organizations on Twitter. Then, tweet a thank you message. 

       • Example: “Dear <name>, thank you for giving blood! It is because of generous blood donors like you that the Red Cross can help save lives.” 


   • Write Thank You Cards 

       • Gather supplies and be creative! We suggest starting with a thank you message and including statistics to help donors understand their impacts.  

       • Reach out to your Regional Volunteer Services Team and have them help you decide how and when the cards can be delivered.  


   • Record a Thank You Video 

       • All you need is a phone camera, a positive attitude, and a short thank you message or a personal story. Invite some friends to join you and make it a video collage! 

       • Reach out to your Regional Volunteer Services Team and have them direct your video to the appropriate teams.  


   • Apply to Become a Blood Donor Ambassador 

       • During a blood drive, whether you’re greeting donors, answering questions, or thanking them for their donation, your courtesy and professionalism will create a favorable impression that encourages ongoing donor support. Learn more about this opportunity here.


Step 3: Coordinate the Logistics

Set a date and time

   • Depending on your goals, you can host the activity for several hours or days. You can also turn this into a regular activity and dedicate time to thanking donors every month. 


Secure a venue

   • (If applicable) Find a location in your school or a public place with more foot traffic, such as a mall or a park.


Assign roles and responsibilities

   • This activity requires volunteers to prepare, set up, and guide participants.


Gather supplies

   • Create a list of supplies needed and arrange to acquire them in advance


Spread the Word

   • Advertise the activity through various channels such as social media, email, and school announcements.

   • Send a reminder with important details prior to the activity. 


Step 4: Facilitate the Activity

  • Run through Step 2 and Step 3 in advance and engage the participants throughout the activity.

  • Arrive early to set up for the activity.


Step 5: Debrief and Thank Your Volunteers

  • Invite participants to discuss their experiences and capture lessons learned.

  • Thank everyone who contributed and participated.

  • Remind volunteers to record their hours through Volunteer Connection.