John Caldwell
What inspires you to serve on the Red Cross Board? My desire to help people, and my joy in building high performing teams. The Red Cross accomplishes so much good work, helping in times of severe need, like single family house fires locally and hurricanes and flooding outside of where I live. My mother and sister saved my uncle when he had a heart attack using CPR, and I want to give back. The American Red Cross provides me a way to give back, get the training I need and enjoy the strong fellowship amongst the staff and board.
What's your favorite Red Cross function, activity, or event? Celebrating the amazing volunteer contributions with the annual Volunteer Recognition events.
Where can we find you during your leisure time or on the weekend? Spending time with family, working in the yard, running, or watching the History channel.
A fun fact: I enjoy training and running marathons, spending time in meditation during long runs and enjoying the outdoors.