Four years ago Hurricane Sandy slammed into the East Coast, causing massive destruction in its wake. The American Red Cross supported thousands of people, using $312 million in donations to help them recover and rebuild after the devastating storm.
“Hurricane Sandy was a devastating storm that affected families, homes and businesses in several states. The Red Cross was part of the massive response, working with government and community-based partners to give a helping hand to people affected by this storm,” said Harvey Johnson, senior vice president, Disaster Cycle Services for the Red Cross. “People needed help getting back on their feet and the Red Cross provided financial assistance, help with housing-related expenses, assistance planning next steps and grants to support services in areas hardest hit by Sandy.”
“So many people supported our Sandy relief effort, their generosity making our massive response possible,” Johnson said. “Four years later, we are still grateful for their support which enabled the Red Cross to assist the thousands of families and individuals needing help after this disastrous storm.”
About the American Red Cross:
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and their families. The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. For more information, please visit or, or follow us on social media.
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