Donating by Phone
Make a credit card contribution by phone by calling 803-540-1200 and ask the phone representative to send you a printed donation return envelope.
Donating by Mail
You may send your check to the below address using your own envelope. We encourage you to think about joining our Clara Barton Society.
Please make your check payable to the American Red Cross and mail it to:
American Red Cross of South Carolina
2751 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Local Giving Opportunities for Corporations and Foundations
To discuss local giving opportunities for corporations and foundations in South Carolina, please contact:
Sabrina Ingraham, Chief Development Officer | 706-836-9393
Planned Giving
For details about planned giving opportunities, please visit or contact a Planned Giving Officer. The American Red Cross of South Carolina recommends you work with our Planned Giving professional, who can guide you through the estate and gift planning process. Please contact Kevin Kirby with any questions you have regarding planned giving:
Kevin Kirby, Gift Planning Director | 980-721-2067